Pastoral Support
Each Year Group has a Pastoral Academic Leader (PAL) who is there to support students with improving achievement, attendance and behaviour.
The Pastoral Academic Leader (PAL's) are:
Year 7 - Becky Wells
Year 8 - Graeme Ions
Year 9 - Tommy Stamp
Year 10 - Lizzie Fillis
HOY 11 - Michelle Harding
HOY 12 & 13 - Laura Allen
They are supported by Pastoral and Academic Managers (PAMs):
Years 7 & 8 - Cindy O'Hare
Years 9 & 10 - Casey Miller
Other key pastoral members of staff are:
Penny Basson - Student Support Coordinator
Neil Ingram - Behaviour Support Manager
Hannah Norman/ Rachel Burns - School Counsellors
In addition to these staff, the school has a range of other staff who support students' well-being.
If you have any concerns about your child's well being or progress at school, please do contact our pastoral team who are there to help.
At Hugh Christie, pastoral support takes place through our Pastoral and Academic Leaders (PALs).
All students will be members of a year group based Advisory group. They will meet their Advisor every day.
During Advisory time, students will be able to share and discuss and issues or concerns with their Advisor. Their Advisor will also monitor every students' attendance, conduct and progress.
If you have any general concerns about your child, their Advisor is the best person to contact in the first instance.
The aim is that an Advisor will remain with their group from Years 7 to 11.