Culture, Conduct & Community
at Hugh Christie
The culture of the school, the conduct expected and the community it creates is the responsibility of everyone: the teachers, support staff and the students.
Everyone is on the same team. Everyone has an obligation to create and nurture a positive environment in which we are all ready to learn, respectful of ourselves and others and take responsibility for our actions.
We have high expectations that all pupils will:
Be Ready
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
To create a community where high standards of conduct result in high-quality learning.
To create a community where all staff and students feel a sense of belonging.
To foster a culture where all staff and students are treated fairly, are shown respect and take responsibility for their actions and words.
To recognise and reward positive contributions to the community and culture of the school.
To promote personal respectful conduct towards everyone at the school.
Be ready to have a successful day.
Come to school every day with your ‘Five a Day’.
To be ready for the day, students must bring:
A pen
A pencil
A 30cm ruler
A rubber
A Calculator
Wear the correct uniform.
Arrive to lessons on time and attend all lessons.
Click to enlarge our 5-A-Day poster.
Be respectful to yourself, to everyone and everything in our school community.
Be KIND and treat everyone you meet as you like to be treated yourself. Offer to help without always being asked.
Be POLITE by waiting your turn, avoiding loud and disruptive talking in public, cleaning up after yourself and speaking politely. Say please and thank you. Avoid name-calling or aggressive speech. Don't swear.
Refuse to DISCRIMINATE. Accept people for who they are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them. SEXISM, HOMOPHOBIA, TRANSPHOBIA, RACISM and HATE and all unacceptable at Hugh Christie and must be reported.
Be responsible for your learning and behaviour.
Behave well at all times. STOP and LISTEN if staff need to speak with you about your behaviour. Use strategies to help you remain calm.
Mobile phones should be switched off and in the bottom of bags while on the school site.
Be positive and enthusiastic about your learning, Always do your best to complete your learning. Present your written work using your best presentation and literacy. Develop your word power.